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What does your week look like?

We recently checked in with our social media followers to see what they had planned this week since COVID-19 is changing everyone’s schedule. Here are some of their answers:

I’m still going to the courthouse every day. There isn’t much on the schedule and I may get sent home, but I am reporting in as scheduled.

Beverly Bleigh, RPR


Davenport, Iowa

I lucked out … none of my CART classes cancelled so far — three classes went to Zoom, the other classes I’m providing transcripts of recorded lectures. CARTing a few remote meetings as well.

Ashly Jo Jenkins, CRC


Belmond, Iowa

Sonya Kennedy’s mask making efforts

Still going to the courthouse with a very light schedule. It’s a good time to finish transcripts. I’m thinking of bringing my sewing machine and making some pocket masks over the lunch hour in the jury room

Sonya M. Kennedy, RPR


Omaha, Neb.

I’ve got some jobs on the calendar this week, but who knows if they’ll actually go. I’ve got transcripts to get out, but we’re staying home and hopefully staying healthy. My kids start back to school after their spring break tomorrow, so we’ll be getting into the groove of home schooling.

Emily O’Brien


Tampa, Fla.

Only two days scheduled for youth court this week. We are only hearing matters that “must” be heard, i.e., detention and shelter hearings. Our administration is setting up stations at the door to screen everyone coming into the building for temperature and questions regarding where you have been, etc. We are spacing matters further apart than usual and asking the youth court parties to sign in but return to their cars, and they will be called in when we are ready for them. We will also have counselors and case workers appear remotely either by video conferencing or telephonically so as to limit the amount of people in the room at one time.

Jackie Freese


Meridian, Miss.

Working remotely, but two of my universities have spring break so it’s a light schedule.

Laura Melby, RPR, CRR, CRC

CART captioner

Rootstown, Ohio

Ten transcripts to edit lol. Not like attorneys are banging down my door for them right now.

Gina DiLuzio, RPR


Las Vegas, Nev.

I’ll be remote reporting court hearings starting Tuesday. Practice sessions went well. I think we’ve got this.

Yvette Heinze, RPR


Helena, Mont.

Court is canceled until at least May. No discoveries yet.

Diana Halvorsen, RPR


Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Working daily. Taking down telephonic hearings and tending to emergency court matters.

Tatelyn Noda, RPR


Jackson, Ala.

One remote on Wednesday so far … shelter in place.

Lucy Carrillo-Grubbs, RMR, CRR


San Francisco, Calif.

Hoping to take depositions remotely.

Kathleen McGovern McHugh, RPR, CRR


Audubon, N.J.

No pages.

Kelley Marie Nadotti, RPR


Eatonton, Ga.

I’m still working in a courtroom.

Karen Kahle, RPR


Vail, Ariz.