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Create a Steno Barbie: Why this petition matters

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More than 2,200 people have signed the petition soliciting Mattel to create a Steno Barbie doll. Launched on Aug. 13 by Denee Vadell, RPR, an official from Edison, N.J., the petition has garnered over 755 signatures just in the past week. The next goal is to hit the 2,500 mark.

So how does this petition work? Per a quick Google search: “ allows users to create and sign petitions to advance various social causes by raising awareness and influencing decision-makers. The site is a U.S.-based for-profit company and claims to have nearly 500 million users as of December 2022.”

The push for a Steno Barbie came after the blockbuster Barbie (2023) movie was released earlier this summer. “Barbie was created by Ruth Handler, who was a stenographer, yet there is no Steno Barbie?!” wrote Vadell. “Mattel, please consider creating a Steno Barbie to spread steno and assist us in putting an end to the national stenographer shortage.”

According to Mattel, Barbie has had more than 200 careers, which haven’t included anything from the court reporting, captioning, or legal videography communities. “Court reporter is a highly skilled profession perfect for Barbie,” wrote Terri Auerbach, RPR, a week ago under the “Reason for signing” section of the petition.

Part of the pitch for soliciting signers included just how lucrative the court reporting career field can be. “Steno Barbie is a high-earning independent professional making a lucrative salary and has big responsibilities … Steno Barbie can take her skills across the globe making her a world traveler and influencer,” Auerbach added.

Learn more about Ruth Handler, the stenographer who created Barbie.

View the petition.