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Why support the proposed dues adjustment?

By Geanell Adams

As chair of NCRA’s Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Committee (DE&I) and the Committee on Approved School Education (CASE), I stand in support of the proposed adjustment to our NCRA membership dues. As it pertains to DE&I, NCRA leadership heard a resounding chorus of members expressing opinions that they were not “included” or were “overlooked” or were “unheard.”

The reality is that without an increase in revenue, the only option for NCRA is to cut services to its members. Are we ready for that?

As part of the current Strategic Plan, NCRA created an initiative that has resulted in establishing a Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Committee which has been charged with identifying a consultant to help NCRA address these issues from an organizational as well as membership perspective. This consultant has been engaged for the upcoming year and will be present at our upcoming annual Conference in Louisville, Ky., to interact with NCRA leadership and members. NCRA takes this initiative seriously, and the endeavor does not come at a minimal cost. Tangible deliverables are being implemented for leadership and membership to utilize and have access to long after the consultant’s period of engagement with the Association ends. This creates a long-term benefit for both our members and NCRA.

Dues adjustment key

A membership dues increase is necessary if the membership is to continue to expect the same level of benefits and services it receives from the Association – that is true for all levels of membership. We live in an age where costs are increasing across the board. As members we increase our fees to clients based on our overhead to ensure it is covered. Our national association is not immune to this process. The reality is that without an increase in revenue, the only option for NCRA is to cut services to its members. Are we ready for that?

Find more information on the 2025 dues adjustment proposal

Voting on the 2025 dues adjustment proposal will begin within two hours of the Annual Business Meeting taking place on Aug. 1 in conjunction with the 2024 NCRA Conference & Expo.

Learn more about the proposal.

Geanell Adams, FAPR, RMR, CRR, CRC, CRI, is a CART and broadcast captioner based in Raymond, Miss. She can be reached at