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We’re looking for session ideas for 2025!

NCRA is getting ready for the 2025 NCRA Conference & Expo, set to be held July 24-26, 2025, at the Hyatt Regency Minneapolis in Minneapolis, Minn. First order of business: Find dynamic presenters on all sorts of topics!

Attendees consist of official and freelance court reporters, broadcast and CART captioners, legal videographers, firm owners, teachers, and students of the same, so when you are coming up with topics, keep them in mind. Our purpose is to bring our members together to network, learn, and inspire each other. Conference programming provides value by enhancing technical, managerial, leadership, and everyday working skills.

Ready to share your knowledge on a topic? Our proposal deadline is Dec. 31, 2024. Please use our form to share your presentation topic, summary, and learning objectives, as well as contact information. Presentations usually last 60 minutes, with many presenters allowing questions in the last few minutes.

If you have any questions, contact Cynthia R. Bruce, Senior Director, Education and Certification, at

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