NCRA wants to thank the many members who celebrated #GivingTuesday by devoting their resources to supporting the future of the profession.
NCRA’s Education Department reported a spike in the number of members volunteering to join its Virtual Mentor Program on #GivingTuesday.
“Giving back always pays. It’s the whole ‘paying it forward’ or Golden Rule philosophy,” said NCRA member Kathy A. Cortopassi, RPR, RMR, CRR, CCP, CBC, from Crown Point, Ind., who was one of ten NCRA members to sign on to the Virtual Mentor Program on #GivingTuesday.
“I don’t expect to gain; I expect to help. Help my profession. Help spread positive about our profession. Help potential rock stars join our ranks,” she said about volunteering. Cortopassi, who is president of Voice to Print Captioning, LLC, and QualCap, LLC, also holds the Realtime Systems Administrator certificate issued by NCRA.
BowStern, the public relations group handling NCRA’s TakeNote campaign, also reported a spike in downloads on Tuesday. The TakeNote materials include logos, flyers, customizable ads, and photos for social media.
#GivingTuesday, the Tuesday following Thanksgiving, provides an opportunity to support a favorite charity during the holiday season.