During a special awards luncheon held Fri., Aug. 1, during the 2015 NCRA Convention & Expo in New York City, eight association members were recognized for their induction into the Fellows of the Academy of Professional Reporters.
“Membership in the Academy of Professional Reporters is by nomination by your peers only, so to be granted fellowship is a high point in a reporter’s career,” said NCRA Executive Director and CEO Mike Nelson. “Fellows represent the pinnacle of excellence among NCRA members. They are individuals who are a credit to the reporting and captioning professions and embody the highest level of professional ethics. Their support of the profession can be seen in their activity in professional associations at the state or national level or through a number of other venues.”
The 2015 class of Fellows are:
- [R.] Douglas Friend, RDR, CRR, a firm owner from Portland, Ore., with nearly 40 years of court reporting experience;
- Linda Hershey, RDR, CRR, CBC, CCP, a CART captioner from Chattanooga, Tenn., with nearly 40 years of court reporting experience;
- Tami Keenan, RPR, CPE, an official court reporter from Battle Creek, Mich., with more than 26 years of court reporting experience;
- Lisa Nagy-Baker, RDR, CRR, a firm owner from Youngstown, Ohio, with more than 36 years of court reporting experience;
- Robin Nodland, RDR, CRR, a firm owner and freelance reporter from Portland, Ore., with 35 years of court reporting experience;
- Darlene Parker, RPR, a captioner from Reston, Va., with more than 40 years of experience;
- Cathy Phillips, RMR, CMRS, a freelance reporter from Ocala, Fla., with more than 24 years of court reporting experience; and
- Carol Studenmund, RDR, CRR, CBC, CCP, a firm owner and captioner from Portland, Ore., with 30 years of experience.
Fellowship in the Academy of Professional Reporters is a professional distinction conferred upon a person with outstanding and extraordinary qualifications and experience in the field of shorthand reporting. Candidates for Fellows are required to have been in the active practice of reporting for at least 10 years and to have attained distinction as measured by performance (which includes publication of important papers, creative contributions, and service on committees or boards, teaching, and other activities that support the profession).