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Posts published by “NCRA”

Catching up with the Speed Contest winner

Julianne LaBadia, RDR, CRR, CBC, CCP, an official court reporter for the Delaware Court of Chancery, in Wilmington, Del., won the 2015 Speed Contest in…

Windows 8 to 10 migration

By Sandy Bunch VanderPol Being the first in line to purchase Windows 8, and having the wonderful experience I had with Windows 8, I was…

NCRF raffle winners announced

Colleen Platt, RPR, Lincoln Park, N. J., a freelance court reporter, was the lucky winner of a new Luminex shorthand machine, which was donated by…

In awe of court reporters

In an opinion piece posted by the Thomaston Times on Aug. 15, Scott Ballard, a district attorney who represents the Fayette, Pike, Spalding, and Upson…

Court reporting promoted at state fair

The Newton Daily News, Des Moines, Iowa, ran an article on Aug. 14 about representatives from the Des Moines Area Community College who were promoting…

E-seminar review: Disability insurance

In the informative e-seminar, Disability insurance and retirement planning, Mike Diers and Nick Hague cover disability income benefits, estimated costs associated with them, and the…