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Posts published by “NCRA”

NCRF holds annual fundraising phone-a-thon

Thousands of calls made between April 20 and May 1 by eight NCRA members who volunteered for the National Court Reporters Foundation’s annual phone-a-thon generated…

New Markets Task Force calls for interns

The New Markets Task Force is seeking graduate or undergraduate college students interested in conducting market research related to new opportunities available in nontraditional areas…

Business tips for freelancers

While flexibility and independence are strengths of freelancing, they also introduce complications. Managing personal business affairs while developing professionally and finding a balance between life…

Jane the court reporter

Attorney Karen Koehler, in her blog The Velvet Hammer, provides a few tips on how lawyers should treat court reporters. Read more.

TRAIN tip: Sign up and test

By Michelle Gudex My best advice to improve your realtime is to sign up for certification tests and practice as hard as you can to…

MEMBER PROFILE: Mary Burzynski

Currently resides in: Medford, Wis. Position: Official court reporter Member since: 1989 Graduated from: Rasmussen Business College Theory: Stenograph Why did you decide to become…

The last page: What the lawyer saw

Abbreviations can be fun A. It’s more of just a feel issue. I know it sounds unscientific to say that, but that’s kind of what…