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Posts published by “NCRA”

State leaders head to Colorado for conference

More than three dozen leaders of state court reporting associations have registered to attend NCRA’s State Leadership Conference, April 12-13, in Denver, Colo. The event,…

Winning school claims prize

Last year, the Community College of Allegheny County in Pittsburgh, Pa., won a challenge set by NCRA to help boost student membership with the association.…

Vendors ready for spotlight at TechCon

Looking for some fast-paced fun learning? Then plan to attend NCRA’s 2015 TechCon event this year in Denver, Colo., April 10-12, and learn firsthand about…

Release the inner writer in you

Release the inner writer in you by sharing with peers and colleagues your secrets to balancing everyday life and a career by contributing to NCRA’s…

Competition, culture, camaraderie

The 2015 Intersteno Congress happens July 18-24 in Budapest, Hungary, and promises attendees an array of exciting competitions, cultural activities, and networking sessions designed to…