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Posts published by “NCRA”

DepoSolutions introduces Quick Glance Log

Quick Glance Log is a 100 percent Web-based time and money management software created for court reporters, scopists, and proofreaders. The software allows users to:…

Media watch

The following summaries are provided for information purposes only and do not constitute an endorsement from NCRA or anyone connected with NCRA. Links are provided…

Washington watch

NCRA promotes hearing health rights In late July, NCRA, through the Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Alliance, submitted letters to all U.S. Senators, asking for their support…

2012 Speed Contest Results

Sherry Bryant, Harrisburg, Pa. won the 2012 Speed Contest. Melanie Humphrey-Sonntag, RDR, CRR, of Wheaton, Il., earned second place and Douglas J. Zweizig, RDR, CRR, Philadelphia, PA., earned…