Thanks to the dedicated work of event hosts Max Curry, RPR, CRI; Christine Phipps, RPR; and Lexitas, a successful SEO (Search Engine Optimization) fundraiser for…
Posts published by “NCRA”
In a press release issued Nov. 29, Coash Court Reporting & Video, owned by Christina and Jerry Coash Jr., and based in Phoenix, Ariz., announced…
NCRA member Kristina Weaver, an official court reporter from Buford, Ga., is quoted in an article posted by Stars and Stripes on Nov. 24, about…
State association leaders and aspiring leaders are invited to attend the 2024 NCRA Leadership & Legislative Boot Camp being held March 10-12, 2024, at the Embassy…
By Debbie Dibble What better way to show appreciation to the shooting stars who light up your world and have made a difference in your…
Now is the time to consider serving on the NCRA Board of Directors or nominating someone you respect and admire. Together we can make a positive difference…
On Nov. 24, the Associate Press reported that Merriam-Webster’s word of the year for 2023 is “authentic,” based on the large number of lookups for…
In a recent press release, the Texas Deposition Reporters Association congratulated the Texas Court Reporters Association, its co-defendants, and counsel Dennis Holmgren for their victory…
Blanca Espericueta, RPR, an official court reporter from San Antonio, Texas, and a dedicated member of NCRA, has been chosen as the winner of a…
Sue Terry, FAPR, RPR, CRR, CRC, NCRA Past President and STRONG Committee Chair, said digital recordings could serve as backups but are risky as the… posted a press release on Nov. 14 issued by NCRA announcing that Lydia Martinez, a court reporting student at Plaza College in Forest Hills, N.Y., was named…
Yahoo Finance posted a press release issued by NCRA on Nov. 15. It announced that the Association has published its first white paper highlighting the…
NCRA is cited in an article posted Nov. 15 by The Clayton County Register, Wilton, Conn., about court reporting ranking high as an attractive career choice.…
The Herscher Pilot, Herscher, Ill., posted a press release on Nov. 15 announcing that Kristin M. Anderson, M.A., RPR, FCCR, an official court reporter from…
NCRA Immediate Past President Jason T. Meaders, FAPR, RPR, CRR, CRC, a freelance court reporter from Fort Collins, Colo., is quoted in an article posted…
A blog posted Nov. 16 by JD Supra addresses how lawyers use rough ASCII and uncertified rough drafts. Read more.
The NCRA Board of Directors held a Members Matter Meeting in August. Please visit the Member FAQs page where questions are addressed in a responsive…
Students are encouraged to apply for the National Court Reporters Foundation (NCRF) quarterly Career Launcher Student Grants. The grants cover the cost to participate in the…
NCRA is proud to offer the Student Fast Lane program to recognize student speed accomplishments and graduates. NCRA reaches out to all court reporting programs…
Emily Faulds, of Greenburg, Pa., was initially turned onto stenography by her grandfather, who felt her attention to detail and skills with language would make…