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Posts published in “Business”

The value of membership

What are the primary reasons that court reporters and captioners become and stay members of NCRA? In many surveys, members have listed the JCR and…

Orange gives back

On Feb. 18, Orange Legal, a nationwide legal services firm based in Florida, posted on its blog that Jill Percy, the company’s reporter manager, shared…

VITAC sold to The Gores Group

VITAC Corporation, a closed captioning based in Pittsburgh, Pa., announced the company was acquired by a new owner, The Gores Group, which is an investment…

TECH: Talking technology with Fred Middlebrooks

  By Debra A. Levinson Fred Middlebrooks, recently of Stenograph, has create, a consulting company with the specific mission to help court reporters better…

Five tips for success and opportunity

A Jan. 8 post by Kramm Court Reporting, San Diego, Calif., offers five physical and practical tips for success and opportunity for attorneys and court…

Tech can turn resolutions to goals

The JCR Weekly turned to NCRA’s Technology Committee for solutions to today’s resolutions. The responses point out that one of the biggest parts of making…

Making connections in your local community

Being involved in local business organizations opens doors for a few court reporting firms. In a previous article about business resources, several firm owners noted…