By Eva Liu Believe it or not, from the birth of a Skills Test to its activation for our candidates, it involves quite a lengthy…
Posts published in “Certification”
The Herald-Whig reported on Dec. 29 that NCRA member Erin Johnson of Carthage, Ill., earned the Registered Professional Reporter certification. The announcement was generated from…
The Detroit Legal News posted a press release on Dec. 18, issued by NCRA on behalf of Gina Wells of Chesterfield, Mich., announcing that she…
The Hawk Eye posted a press release on Dec. 15, issued by NCRA on behalf of member Erin Johnson, Carthage, Ill., announcing that she recently…
The Athens Daily Review posted a press release on Dec. 12, issued by NCRA on behalf of Tami Lewis, CRR, CRC, Canton, Texas, announcing her…
The Suffolk News-Herald posted a press release on Dec. 12 issued by NCRA on behalf of member Beth Chandler, Chesapeake, Va., announcing her recent earning…
Pick a bundle and save this holiday season while you earn needed CEUs. These e-Seminars are available for purchase until Dec. 27. They will then…
Registration is open for aspiring court reporters to test in January 2020 for a new NCRA certification, the Registered Skilled Reporter (RSR). This new designation…
By Debbie Dibble After a career full of unusual cases, including surfers in New Zealand, terrorists in the Philippines, and Saudi princes in Grand Cayman,…
Registration is available Dec. 1-20 for online testing Jan. 1-20, 2020. NCRA’s move to block scheduling has been widely successful, not only in helping to…
Starting January 2020, aspiring court reporters can test for a new NCRA certification, the Registered Skilled Reporter (RSR). This new designation will recognize those stenographic…
Downey Adult School congratulates 10 students who passed their California State Exam (CSR) in July: Kristen McElderry Dottie Simpson Rachel Brown Marissa Holt Samantha Maciel…
Sept. 30 marks the end of NCRA’s 2019 education cycle. Don’t be left without the CEUs you need to maintain your certification. NCRA members with…
Registration is available Aug. 1-20 for online testing Sept. 1-20. NCRA skills testing registration started following a new block schedule designed to make registration easier…
The next time you sit down to take a Skills Test, you might not be thinking about the people behind the recording, but they are…
Earning professional certifications means different things to different people. For some, it might be a requirement to be able to work; for others, it might…
Alison Moffett, Elizabethtown, Pa., recently scored a perfect score on the RPR literary skills test. “Congratulations to Alison!” said Eva Liu, NCRA Certification and Testing…
Professionals considering taking the Certified Realtime Reporter (CRR) test have the opportunity to gain an advantage by attending the CRR Boot Camp being offered at the…
If you are interested in earning an NCRA certification, official reporter Cindy Shearman, RDR, CRR, CRC, of Vail, Ariz., advises: “Keep on keeping on. You…
Beginning June 1, NCRA skills testing registration will start following a new block schedule designed to make registration easier and more efficient for test candidates.…