From the desire to get ahead in the profession to just having a passion for learning, professionals offer an array of reasons to earn valuable certifications.…
Posts published in “Certification”
Official Court Reporter, 416th District Court Currently resides in: Van Alstyne, Texas Member since: 2013 Graduated from: Court Reporting Institute of Dallas Theory: Sten-Ed Favorite brief: I love using Brief It…
NCRA members and others interested in earning the Certified Legal Video Specialist (CLVS) certification can now take the CLVS Mandatory Workshop online, making the certification…
By Marybeth Everhart “It doesn’t work.” That’s a sentence I’ve heard many, many times over the years, as a teacher, long-time CAT software trainer (and user), and…
Changes to NCRA’s Continuing Education Program rules by the Association’s Council of the Academy of Professional Reporters (CAPR) will take effect Oct. 1. The changes…
The Longview News-Journal reported on Jan. 7 that NCRA member Brenda Hightower Smith, RPR, CRR, from Longview, Texas, earned the nationally recognized Certified Realtime Reporter…
By Mindy Sindiong Part of a CLVS’s training is to provide great video and audio for our clients. However, we have two clients: the attorney(s)…
Mark your calendars and plan your learning path with NCRA through 2018. NCRA offers opportunities to earn CEUs in a variety of ways, from certification…
The Fresno Bee reported on Nov. 21 that NCRA member Sandy Edmonson, RDR, CRR, CRC, from Hanford, Calif., recently earned the Registered Diplomate Reporter certification.…
The Sidney Herald reported on Nov. 21 that NCRA member Emily Niles, RMR, CRR, CRC, from Bozeman, Mont., recently earned the Certified Realtime Captioner certification. The…
NCRA members can kick off their holiday shopping season on Nov. 24 by taking advantage of Black Friday discounts and giveaways being offered with the…
By Carol Studenmund At the NCRA Convention & Expo in Las Vegas, the Certified Realtime Captioner (CRC) Certification Committee hosted the third annual CRC Workshop.…
On Sept. 11, the Norwalk Reflector posted an article announcing that Marie Fresch, RMR, CRC, a freelancer and CART captioner in Norwalk, Ohio, had earned…
The Sept. 30 deadline for this year’s CEU cycle is coming up quickly, but there’s still time to earn a few more last-minute credits, both…
By Jason Levin Each year at the NCRA Convention & Expo, videographers from across the country (and even from around the globe) meet for a…
The next testing dates to take the CLVS Production Exam will be Sept. 29-30 at NCRA headquarters in Reston, Va. Registration is open Aug. 25-Sept.…
The JCR reached out to several members of NCRA who made the decision to switch careers and enter the court reporting, captioning, or legal video professions and asked…
Professionals seeking to add nationally recognized certifications to their résumés can choose from several opportunities to work toward them at the 2017 NCRA Convention &…
By Chris Willette The Test Advisory Committee (TAC) met June 8-11 at NCRA headquarters in Reston, Va., to work on test creation for upcoming online…