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Posts published in “Career”

January 2013 JCR

January 2014 Volume 75 Number 3   Why tracking progress works Tapping into the power of feedback loops can aid court reporters who are pursuing…

NCRA goes to students with mini conventions

In 2010, NCRA’s Education Department began to reach out to students by hosting mini conventions on the campuses of court reporting schools in an effort…

NCRA 2013 Legal Video Conference

NCRA’s 2013 inaugural Legal Video Conference, formerly known as the CLVS (Certified Legal Video Specialist) Symposium, attracted 139 attendees of all levels of ex­pertise from…

Am I selling myself short?

Once you are armed with NCRA’s certified CART provider designation, what else do you need to consider as you venture into business for yourself? CART…

Why I teach

This year I have the privilege of being the Board of Di­rectors liaison to the Teachers Community of Inter­est. What a great group of enthused,…

Becoming a steno master

My work as a court reporting instructor inspires me to always be on the lookout for ways to reach students, to pro­mote steno skills, to…

You’ve got this!

How many times had I heard “you’ve got this!” during the 13 attempts it took me to finally pass the California Certified Shorthand Reporter examination?…

In the spotlight: Dorothy Huffman

Dorothy Huffman of Indianapolis, Ind., recently retired after nearly 70 years of active court report­ing. I had the chance to sit and talk with her…

The last page: What the witness says

WHO’S TO BLAME? Q. How has it changed? A. Well, you could do that at one time, and then along comes the Internet, and the…

NCRF creates new vision

NCRF’s Board of Trustees met in mid-November to tackle the responsibility of developing a new long-range strategic plan. The last time we undertook this was…

Boston strong

I live outside Boston, and for me and my family, terrorism struck close to home last April 15 when two bombs went off at the…

Ways to hook up

NCRA’s Taking Realtime Awareness and Innovation Nationwide committee offers court reporters advice and inspiration on taking the next step in providing realtime, whether it is…

Why tracking progress works

At some point, every court reporting student is asked to read back everything they write, practice the challenging words and briefs in an effort to…