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Posts published in “Career”

A to Z Scholarship recipient announced

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported on Sept. 3 that NCRA recently awarded Deneatha McGeachy of Decatur, Ga., a $500 NCRA A to Z® Scholarship. Read more.

The perfect prescription

By Jennifer Wielage As a high-achieving, success-driven court reporter, I am certainly no stranger to stress and its effects on one’s mental and physical well-being.…

Zoom to the future

By Connie Psaros What started out as a simple request for a Zoom public hearing turned out to be a memorable assignment that markedly few…

Taking exams in lockdown

By Leah Willersdorf As I write this, here in the United Kingdom I am coming toward the end of week 12 of having had no…

Written Knowledge Tests move online

NCRA is excited to announce candidates will soon be able to take our Written Knowledge Tests from the comfort of the location you choose. Starting…

Preparation, preparation, preparation

By Sandra Mierop Last October on a conference call to come up with ideas about what the Technology Committee was going to accomplish over the…

Student winners going to NCRA Connect Virtual 2020

Congratulations to the 10 student winners of an NCRA Connect Virtual 2020 registration! The winners’ names were announced on Facebook by 2020-2021 President-elect Christine Phipps,…

Winners of 2020 CASE Scholarships announced

NCRA is pleased to announce the five winners of the 2020 CASE (Council on Approved Student Education) Student Scholarships. Winners are chosen based on a…