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Posts published in “Career”

When Hong Kong became part of China again

By Robin Nodland One of the most unusual jobs that I did was captioning for the International Channel as they live-broadcasted the turnover of Hong…

Checking in with captioners

Weeks into the COVID-19 pandemic, the JCR Weekly checked in with several broadcast and CART captioners to get a snapshot of what has changed and…

If you give a court reporter a cookie

By Lynette Mueller During my downtime these past several weeks because of the COVID-19 pandemic, I’ve tried to occupy my time in a thoughtful way.…

Certifications show pride in the profession

In honor of Celebrate Certification Month, the JCR Weekly reached out to two esteemed veteran NCRA members to find out what impact earning professional certifications…

Get your certification celebration on

This week kicks off NCRA’s third Celebrate Certification Month, launched to help encourage members to share with customers, clients, and potential clients the importance of…

Some privacy, please

By Ashley Stokes Testing can be stressful, even under the most ideal circumstances. I graduated from the College of Court Reporting, Valparaiso, Ind., as an…

How are you doing during COVID-19?

The JCR recently reached out to readers on social media and through the JCR Weekly to find out how NCRA members are coping with changes…