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Posts published in “Career”

Stenograph scholarship winner announced

The National Court Reporters Foundation has announced the winner of the Stenograph Milton H. Wright Memorial Scholarship, a new scholarship that honors the memory of…

Stenographers — we’re everywhere!

By Margary Rogers The board of the Maryland Court Reporters Association proved that stenographers are everywhere on Feb. 15 during Court Reporting and Captioning Week. …

Lessons learned at the 2020 NCRA Business Summit

Participants left the 2020 NCRA Business Summit with useful information about leadership, security, finances, body language, and the state of the court reporting industry. In…

In Texas: Big ideas, bigger solutions

By Kim Cherry You know what they say, everything is bigger in Texas! And that’s generally the case whether you’re talking about chicken fried steaks…

NCRA responds to comments on MSNBC

Recently MSNBC news anchor Brian Williams and former U.S. Sen. Claire McCaskill (Mo.) made comments on MSNBC about stenographers in the U.S. Senate. A post…

Why do we still use human stenographers?

NCRA member Stan Sakai, RPR, recently addressed why stenographers are better at capturing the official record when compared to using digital audio in a blog…

Eh to Zed

By Janice Plomp and Joanne McKenzie After attending an information session introducing the NCRA A to Z® Intro to Steno Machine Shorthand program at the…