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Posts published in “Career”

Earn Your RPR and show off your skills

2019 Celebrate Certification Month kicks off today, and as part of the celebration, we will take a look in each week’s JCR Weekly at the…

SSC announces court reporting open house

The Illinois reported on April 9 that the South Suburban College (SSC) is hosting a Court Reporting Open House on May 9 to showcase…

New Professional Spotlight: Tracey L. Tracy

By Rachel Barkume, RPR Tracey Tracy, RPR, is a freelance court reporter in Tacoma, Wash. She graduated from the online court reporting technologies program at Green River College in…

15 words and phrases that I never use

By Santo (Joe) Aurelio There are 15 words and phrases that are so confusing that I cannot and will not use them. The principal dictionary…

Captioning word of the month: Baby Habs

Below is the ninth in a series of monthly featured words to help captioners build their dictionaries and knowledge. The words for this series are…