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Posts published in “Career”

Q&A: Checking in with Joe Aurelio

Santo “Joe” Aurelio, FAPR, RDR (Ret.), has always had an attraction to the English language, first as a court reporter and later as a professor…

Applications open for VCRA scholarship

The Virginia Court Reporters Association (VCRA) will be holding its Education Day this year on March 23 in Richmond, Va., where it will award a…

NCRA members recognized with teaching awards

December 8, 2018 by NCRA Gadsen State Community College, Gadsen, Ala., announced on Dec. 5 that NCRA members Michelle Roberts, CRI, and Brook Davis, CRI, court reporting…

Actor Tom Hanks ‘hearts’ captioning

NCRA member Jo Gayle, RPR, CRR, CRC, a freelance captioner from Chicago, Ill., recently earned a shout-out from actor Tom Hanks for her captioning skills…

Independent theater introduces captioning

The Daily Iowan reported on Dec. 2 that Iowa City’s independent theater, Film Scene, has introduced captioning in screenings to create a more equitable movie-going…