Closed captioning may soon be required for University of Florida’s student government’s videos after a bill was unanimously passed during first readings at Tuesday’s student…
Posts published in “Career”
NCRA member Joan McQuinn, RPR, CMRS, an official court reporter from Rockford, Ill., talks about her career and the shortage of students entering the profession…
As a follow-up to NCRA’s first Celebrate Certification Month held in May, the article below written by Marybeth Everhart, RPR, CRI, CPE, national marketing manager…
The Realtime and Technology Resource Committee is taking your questions on topics surrounding realtime and technology. Send the questions you want the Committee members to…
A number of state court reporter associations have shown their support for NCRA’s PAC (Political Action Committee) by committing to donate a gift basket for…
Each year during the NCRA Convention & Expo, a few dedicated members sit behind closed doors working on the Speed and Realtime Contests. Their tasks…
NCRA Director Max Curry, RPR, CRI, a freelance court reporter from Franklin, Tenn., was quoted in an article about the shortage of court reporters in…
The Argus Leader, Sioux Falls, S.D., posted an open letter on June 3 urging current and future candidates running for local, state, and national offices…
What’s the strangest place you’ve had to tap-tap-tap away on your little machine, knowing that people are relying on your speech-to-text output? A bus perhaps?…
The Sun Sentinel aired a story on its website on June 6 that features NCRA member Ninette Bulter, RPR, CRR, CRC, a freelance court reporter…
A press release announcing NCRA’s 2018 Convention & Expo was posted on June 7 by Global Newswire and Networking@IT Business Net. Read more.
On June 6, the News-Gazette, Champaign, Ill., posted an interview with NCRA member Melissa Clagg, RDR, CRR, CRC, supervisor for Champaign County’s court reporters, about…
On June 6, Fox Channel 5 Good Day Atlanta posted a casting call for a stenographer for a film entitled Mule, being directed by Clint…
The final episode of Stephen King’s Mr. Mercedes is being filmed at the Manning Courthouse in Manning, S.C., according to an article posted June 8…
On May 31, Channel 8 KLKN-TV, Lincoln, Neb., aired a story about the Grand Theater offering moving showings with open captioning on Wednesday and Saturday…
Earlier this spring, Cindi Lynch, training program manager for Stenograph, based in Elmhurst Ill., and Sharon Vartanian, RPR, a district sales manager for the company,…
Below is the second in a series of monthly featured words to help captioners build their dictionaries and knowledge. The words for this series are…
NCRA member Kristie Dickinson, RPR, CRR, a freelance court reporter from Lansing, Mich., was featured in an article posted May 25 by the State News,…
Nominations are now being accepted for the Santo J. Aurelio Award for Altruism, the highest honor awarded by the National Court Reporters Foundation. The deadline for…
This Memorial Day, please take a moment to pause to remember all who have served in the armed forces over the years to protect and…