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Posts published in “Career”

2018 nominations sought; deadlines near

Nominations are now being accepted for the Fellows of the Academy of Professional Reporters, the NCRA Board of Directors, and the Distinguished Service Award. Now…

MANAGING: Inspiring your team

By Judy Stevens If any of you have heard Anissa R. Nierenberger, RPR, CRR, CRC, CRI, speak at either a state or national conference, you know…

Stand up for your health

By Debra J. Morris I remember the day I woke up with a spare tire. Judge Gatreaux, the judge I worked for, had a penchant…

Setting up a home office

Many reporters and captioners are freelancers or small business owners, which often means working from home at least part of the time. There are many…

Considerations when purchasing health insurance

Determining the right health care plan can be complicated, but help is available for NCRA members. NCRA has established a relationship with Mercer Marketplace, which…