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Posts published in “Career”

Someone to trust: The value of peer mentorship

By Megan Rogers Most of the discussion about mentoring revolves around students. Court reporters and captioners remember how difficult school was and recognize students’ need…

Exiting from your court reporting firm

By Terry McGill Exiting your business is a hot topic for many owners that seems fairly simple at first glance. You start your firm, let…

Meeting the demand: The CRC experience

By Carol Studenmund At the NCRA Convention & Expo in Las Vegas, the Certified Realtime Captioner (CRC) Certification Committee hosted the third annual CRC Workshop.…

NCRA member in local media for A to Z program

Good Morning Rochester, Rochester, N.Y., aired a piece on Sept. 19 that featured NCRA Director Meredith A. Bonn, RPR, an official court reporter from Webster.…

Overcoming your fear

By Linda A. Kaiser What is fear? Webster’s defines fear as an unpleasant, often strong emotion caused by anticipation or awareness of danger. In the…

Conquer your realtime mountain

If fear is what is stopping you from becoming proficient in realtime, all you may need is a little inspiration to conquer your fears. A…

A to Z: Recruiting the next generation

By Nancy Varallo I want our time-honored profession to flourish into the future. I’m betting you do too. I’ve been a freelance reporter, a teacher, an agency…

A to Z: Creating our own success

You don’t need to take Nancy Varallo’s word for it. We have heard from several of the A to Z program leaders about their experiences. “It is…