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Posts published in “Career”

TechLinks: The 21st century reporter, part 2

On behalf of the NCRA Technology Committee, Robin Nodland, FAPR, RDR, CRR, recently shared a series of links with information to help the 21st-century reporter…

The fear factor

By Debra A. Levinson Facing fear is a given as a court reporter. No matter how credentialed you are, no matter how many letters you…

Atkinson-Baker provides legal videographers

Atkinson-Baker, Los Angeles, Calif., announced in a press release issued Aug. 4 that the firm now has legal videographer services for depositions. Read more.

Court reporting as a second career

The JCR reached out to several members of NCRA who made the decision to switch careers and enter court reporting profession and asked them to…

The sport of realtime

By Ron Cook Before I even knew what court reporting was, I majored in physical education in college. It was then that I started to…

Tips for depositions by telephone

A blog posted on July 26 on JD Supra offers tips for conducting depositions over the telephone. The blog, submitted by Kramm Court Reporting, offers…

Making connections with HLAA

In 1992, Deanna Baker, FAPR, RMR, was first introduced to Self Help for Hard of Hearing, the precursor of the Hearing Loss Association of America.…

Where will your writing talents take you?

A July 20 article posted by Chispa magazine, Atlanta, Ga., lists court reporting as one of several professions talented writers can pursue. Read more.