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Posts published in “Career”

Court reporting as a second career

The JCR reached out to several members of NCRA who made the decision to switch careers and enter the court reporting, captioning, or legal video professions and asked…

10 tips to becoming a star realtimer

By Abby Waller As the demand grows in the court reporting field for our knowledge and skill in realtime, we must strive to stay ahead…

What we learned at TAC

By Chris Willette The Test Advisory Committee (TAC) met June 8-11 at NCRA headquarters in Reston, Va., to work on test creation for upcoming online…

Imagine that

Imagine that By Katherine Schilling I shuffle awkwardly in my black pumps as the floors tick by one at a time – ding, ding. The…

Reporting in Nigeria

By Jason Meadors It was departure day for Nigeria, a three-week work trip I went on a few months ago. That day started out with…

STARTING OUT: Imagine that

By Katherine Schilling I shuffle awkwardly in my black pumps as the floors tick by one at a time – ding, ding. The stainless steel…

Lakeshore Technical College receives grant

Lakeshore Technical College, Cleveland, Wis., recently wrote in about their recent grant award. Here’s what the college reported: “Lakeshore Technical College was awarded a $196,000 grant…

Making a few adjustments

Long nights of practice and endless speed tests are familiar challenges for court reporting students. But Kayde Rieken, a student at the College of Court…