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Posts published in “Career”

Huntington Junior College turns 80

The Herald-Dispatch, Huntington, W.Va., posted an article on June 7 noting that the commencement ceremony held June 6 by Huntington Junior College also marked the…

Globetrotting reporters

A blog posted June 2 by JD Supra Business Advisor addresses the advantage of reserving the services of a seasoned, well-traveled court reporter to meet…

Online testing: It’s all in the details

When taking an online skills test, knowing the process and equipment needed is the first step to success. By Marybeth Everhart Online testing is well…

Just do it

Thinking of competing in speed or realtime contests? Just do it, say the pros. By Annemarie Roketenetz A major highlight at the NCRA Convention &…

TEACHING: Lighting the fire

By Josée Boisvert As the approaches and methodologies applied to instruction and teaching have evolved over the centuries, so too have the challenges. Students today…

New professional spotlight: Jennifer Dentino

By Melissa Foley Jennifer Dentino studied court and realtime reporting, along with obtaining her associate degree in applied science, at Alfred State College, Alfred, N.Y.,…

Depositions in Paris

A blog by Suzanne Quinson from Planet Depos offers tips on taking depositions in Paris. JD Supra Business Advisor posted the blog on May 11.…

Realtime skills of NCRA member showcased

An article posted May 11 by GraysHarborTalk, Montesano, Wash., features an interview with NCRA member Connie Church, RPR, CRR, CRC, a freelance reporter. She provides…

What is an oral reply?

A blog by Kramm Court Reporting posted April 29 on JD Supra Business Advisor addresses how court reporters should deal with oral replies that are…