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Posts published in “Career”

Realtime resource guide

By Merilee Johnson and Lisa Knight Congratulations! You have worked hard at improving your writing. Your translation rate gets better with every job you take.…

Choosing the right captioning service

A post on May 4 by Government Video, part of NewBay Media, features the second part of an interview with NCRA member Carol Studenmund, RDR,…

How to schedule Chinese depositions

A blog posted May 4 by the JD Supra Business Advisor addresses how to schedule Chinese depositions since they are illegal in mainland China. Author…

Labor of love

By the NCRA Student Committee “You should treat court reporting school as a full-time job.” This mantra is repeated to students as a reminder that…

TEACHING: Learner-centered teaching

By Natalie Nazar I reconnected with my long-lost brother in Calgary, Alberta last month. We reminisced about our school days in small town Québec, and…


By Lynette Mueller It is a period of ever-changing technology! Court reporters, in the courtroom and deposition setting, are winning with tools and gadgets to…

New Professional Spotlight: Makenzie Koman

By Melissa E. Case Makenzie Koman is a freelance court reporter in Northeast Ohio. She graduated from Miami-Jacobs Career College after two years and two…