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Posts published in “Career”

From NCRA’s President: Change is …

By Sarah E. Nageotte  We are all familiar with popular quotes concerning change: “Change is the law of life,” “There is nothing permanent except change,”…

Realtime: Say yes to rough drafts!

By Sandy VanderPol With teamwork and technology, your rough drafts can be almost perfect – even if you don’t consider yourself a qualified realtime writer!…

Court reporting job opportunities in New York

The filing period for the senior court reporter examinations for the New York State Unified Court System (both open-competitive and promotional) is now open. Registration…

Winning school claims prize

Last year, the Community College of Allegheny County in Pittsburgh, Pa., won a challenge set by NCRA to help boost student membership with the association.…

Release the inner writer in you

Release the inner writer in you by sharing with peers and colleagues your secrets to balancing everyday life and a career by contributing to NCRA’s…

NCRA releases fifth economic benchmark survey

The results of NCRA’s fifth annual Economic Benchmark Survey are now available for download on the Association’s website by participants and members. Each year the…