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Posts published in “Events”

NCRA Connect Virtual 2020 wrap-up

Attendees at NCRA’s Connect Virtual 2020 event held Aug. 7-9 enjoyed an array of insightful and informative sessions over the course of nearly three days.…

Address from NCRF Chair Tami Keenan

Welcome to our virtual conference. I am Tami Keenan, the chair of the National Court Reporters Foundation. One of my favorite expressions about giving back…

NCRA Connect Virtual 2020 starts Friday

If you registered for the NCRA Connect Virtual 2020 event, check your inbox for an email giving you instructions on how to access the virtual…

Student winners going to NCRA Connect Virtual 2020

Congratulations to the 10 student winners of an NCRA Connect Virtual 2020 registration! The winners’ names were announced on Facebook by 2020-2021 President-elect Christine Phipps,…

Learn how social media can boost your business

Cathy O’Neal, communications director for Levitt Pavilion in Arlington, Texas, an outdoor concert venue that presents more than 50 free concerts a year, wants to know…

NCRA member featured in Vice News

Christopher Day, RPR, an official court reporter in Staten Island, N.Y., was interviewed for a June 18 Vice News story about court reporter’s accuracy when…