The Friends of the Congressional Hearing Health Caucus hosted a briefing luncheon and hearing screenings on May 22. The caucus is co-chaired by Reps. Tom…
Posts published in “Events”
The Pennsylvania Court Reporters Association has announced that it will host a Veterans History Project day as part of the Sports & Education Expo taking…
More than 1,500 people from 20 different nations competed in Intersteno’s month-long Internet keyboarding contest. “When I received an email [about the contest] in March,…
NCRA members can invest in the future of the court reporting profession by making a small donation to help a student attend the 2014 Convention…
Court reporting students graduating from MacCormac College in Chicago, Ill., will participate in the institution’s 110th graduation ceremony on Fri., May 9, at the Mid-America…
Geanell Adams, Tammey Pastor, and Janice Foster have donated time at their vacation properties to support NCRF. Geanell donated her cabin in Percy Quinn State…
Attendees at a “wearable realtime” session held during NCRA’s 2014 TechCon in April were given a glimpse and a try-on of the latest in high-tech…
NCRA’s 2014 TechCon conference attracted more than 200 professionals and a dozen vendors when it was held April 11 – 13 in Atlanta, Ga. The…
Register now for NCRA’s 2014 Convention & Expo happening July 31 – Aug. 3 in San Francisco, Calif., and hear Tommy Spaulding, keynote presenter and…
NCRA’s Certified Legal Videographers Council leaders Bruce Balmer, MBA, CLVS, Columbia, S.C., and Brian Clune, CLVS, San Anselmo, Calif., were joined by Jason Leven, CLVS,…
According to Tim Piganelli, CEO Piganelli & Associates, Phoenix, Ariz., the most effective trial presentations — presentations where a reporter’s transcript and a videographer’s footage…
This year’s TechCon, held April 11-13 in Atlanta, was marked by cutting-edge sessions led by some of the most dynamic and innovative experts in the…
In welcoming remarks to attendees at NCRA’s TechCon 2014 taking place in Atlanta, April 11-13, President Nancy Varallo called the conference “the must-attend event” for…
CLVSs are discovering a new world of ancillary video services beyond the traditional legal arena. NCRA members Don Cely, CLVS, from Greenville, S.C., and Steve…
Christine Phipps, RPR, from West Palm Beach, Fla., a veteran when it comes to working with realtime scopists, shared some insights and tips with attendees…
Attendees at today’s TechCon meeting in Atlanta were treated to a fast-paced and entertaining session presented by Kevin Daniel, RDR, CRR, CBC, CCP, from Las…
With spring on the way, fashion designers around the world are gearing up to strut their stuff for the 2014 season. Don’t miss Mirabai Knight’s…
The National Court Reporters Association is close to finalizing its team for the international Keyboarding Championship by Internet. Registration closes March 31. Intersteno, the International…