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Posts published in “Member Announcements”

NCRA 2016 voting results announced

The Annual Business Meeting was held Thursday, Aug. 4, 2016, at the Chicago Hilton, Chicago, Ill. Members who were not able to attend the meeting…

NCRA member earns national certification

The Daily World announced on March 29 that NCRA member Connie Church, RPR, CRR, CRC of Montesano, Wash., earned the nationally recognized Certified Realtime Captioner…

NCRA member recognized

The Brooklyn Daily posted an article on Feb. 25 about NCRA member Anita Trombetta, Brooklyn, N.Y., earning the Certified Realtime Reporter (CRR) certification. Trombetta, who also…

NCRA member retires after 35 years

Steamboat Today posted an article on Feb. 25 about the career of NCRA member Lynn VeDepo, RPR, CRR, an official court reporter from the 14th…