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Posts published in “NCRA & You”

NCRA announces 2018-2019 slate of nominees

NCRA announced the slate of nominees selected by its Nominating Committee to serve in 2018-2019. The upcoming year includes nominations for president-elect, vice president, secretary-…

It’s March madness at NCRA!

In celebration of March madness, NCRA is offering a number of membership and educational opportunities just in time for spring. Join NCRA or renew your…

NCRA gets you more than you think

NCRA offers members many different ways to invest in their futures, support the profession, and thrive in their careers. According to NCRA’s 2017 Member Needs…

2018 nominations sought; deadlines near

Nominations are now being accepted for the Fellows of the Academy of Professional Reporters, the NCRA Board of Directors, and the Distinguished Service Award. Now…

Considerations when purchasing health insurance

Determining the right health care plan can be complicated, but help is available for NCRA members. NCRA has established a relationship with Mercer Marketplace, which…