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Posts published in “News”

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New freelancer survey provides insight to what motivates and repels talented reporters. By Christina Lewellen Court reporting and captioning firms can only succeed if they…

NCRF holds annual fundraising phone-a-thon

Thousands of calls made between April 20 and May 1 by eight NCRA members who volunteered for the National Court Reporters Foundation’s annual phone-a-thon generated…

Jane the court reporter

Attorney Karen Koehler, in her blog The Velvet Hammer, provides a few tips on how lawyers should treat court reporters. Read more.

May 1 is Law Day

Each year, hundreds of law professionals celebrate Law Day on May 1, and this year is no exception. With the theme Magna Carta, Icon of…

Want to vote? Sign up now

NCRA’s Constitution & Bylaws permit members to cast their votes in contested elections and on bylaws amendments via secure, online means, even if they can’t…