The Collaborative for Communication Access via Captioning announced two new Captioning Advocacy Projects for 2015. For the two projects, CCAC will pay for up to…
Posts published in “News”
An article that appeared in the fall 2014 issue of The Transcript, the membership newsletter of the New York State Court Reporters Association, addresses the…
Joe W. Strickland, RPR, CRR, CCP, retiring Chief Reporter of Debates for the U.S. House of Representatives, was recognized from the chamber floor according to…
O n Jan. 6, NCRA President Sarah Nageotte addressed the membership in a letter that announced that Feb. 27 will be NCRA CEO Jim Cudahy’s last…
NCRA announced the members who earned their certifications following the completion of a number of tests at the end of 2014. See the list.
In the upcoming year, NCRA has planned many opportunities for members to increase their knowledge at onsite conferences or through other learning opportunities and to…
NCRA has issued a call for presentations for TechCon 2015. Visit for more information or to submit a topic for consideration. NCRA is seeking both topics…
NCRA’s Government Relations team met with representatives from the U.S. Bureau of Labor statistics office in December to share the findings of the Industry Outlook…
On Dec. 31, 2014, the Federal Communications Commission announced that it was extending the deadline for compliance with its new television closed captioning quality rules…
Closed captioning received a shout-out as one of the top sport stories of 2014 on Dec. 29 by in Billings, Mont. The station posted…
Atkinson-Baker Court Reporters, headquartered in Glendale, Calif., announced the launch of a newly redesigned company website in a press release issued Dec. 16. The new…
An article posted on Dec. 16 by WGNO features the story of 61-year-old Daryl Duplessie, the first modern day, African-American court reporter in the New…
A Dec. 5 article in the Pennsylvania Record reported that the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania has adopted a comprehensive set of new rules to govern…
Caitlin Albrecht, a freelance court reporter from New Hope, Minn., recently shared her skills with local Girl Scouts who participated in an annual Girl Scout…
Nine Days in Greece, the first romance novel authored by NCRA member Kristie Dickinson, RPR, recently debuted on in e-book format. The story follows…
The Virginia Court Reporters Association is currently accepting applications from students enrolled in a court reporting program for its Carolyn M. O’Connor Education Fund. The…
The Cleveland Plain Dealer featured an interview with NCRA President Sarah Nageotte, RDR, CRR, CBC, on Dec. 12. In the article, Nageotte, from Jefferson, Ohio,…
“Equal Justice Through Technology,” a presentation about how courts can provide the most accurate record possible in the most economical way by incorporating technology into…
Attorneys in Pennsylvania once again raised concerns about the use of audio equipment in courtrooms, citing the possible recording of confidential conversations between attorneys and…
A tribute to Jim Maxwell, a court reporter who passed away on Oct. 18, at 80 years of age was posted on on Dec…