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Posts published in “People in the News”

ILCRA members participate in Illinois VHP

Members of the Illinois Court Reporters Association joined state officials and military veterans during a Veterans History Project event hosted by Jesse White, the state’s…

Catching up with the Speed Contest winner

Julianne LaBadia, RDR, CRR, CBC, CCP, an official court reporter for the Delaware Court of Chancery, in Wilmington, Del., won the 2015 Speed Contest in…

In awe of court reporters

In an opinion piece posted by the Thomaston Times on Aug. 15, Scott Ballard, a district attorney who represents the Fayette, Pike, Spalding, and Upson…

Court reporting promoted at state fair

The Newton Daily News, Des Moines, Iowa, ran an article on Aug. 14 about representatives from the Des Moines Area Community College who were promoting…

Sandra Bunch VanderPol named NCRA 2015 DSA recipient

NCRA member Sandra Bunch VanderPol, RMR, CRR, a freelance reporter from Sacramento, Calif., was recognized with the association’s Distinguished Service Award, the organization’s highest honor.…

Dallas County pen writer profiled

The July 24 Dallas Morning News profiled Frank Howell, a Dallas County court reporter who continues to use pen shorthand to report part time in…

Judge and court reporter retire, sort of

The Hon. Robert Birnbaum and his court reporter, David Lutzke, of  Olmsted County District Court both retired June 19, according to the July 8…