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Posts published in “People”

Stenopalooza inspires student

By Angela Rojo Did anyone else see posts about Stenopalooza on social media? I can hear my teachers and other professionals in the industry telling…

New Professional Profile: Tatelyn Noda

My name is Tatelyn Noda, RPR, and I am an official court reporter for the First Judicial Circuit of Alabama. I graduated from Prince Institute…

Do you love your job?

We recently asked followers of the NCRA Facebook page to tell us why they love their job, in honor of Court Reporting & Captioning Week.…

Angel profile: Mary Bader

The JCR Weekly regularly highlights one of the more than 100 Angels who support the National Court Reporters Foundation. This month, we profile Mary Bader, FAPR, RPR,…

Why I love court reporting: Jamie Booker

Jamie Booker, RPR, a freelance reporter in Tacoma, Wash., recently posted the following in the Facebook group Encouraging Court Reporting Students: Why is court reporting…