A post on April 27 by Government Video, part of NewBay Media, features an interview with NCRA member Carol Studenmund, RDR, CRR, CRC, a broadcast captioner…
Posts published in “People”
Currently resides in: Brooklyn, New York Position: Official reporter, Kings County Member since: 1999 Graduated from: South Coast College of Court Reporting, Anaheim, Calif. Favorite briefs: SPAG (Special Agent)…
A post on April 26 VITAC’s blog by broadcast captioner Brittany Bender recalls her quest to obtain the lyrics to two new songs that the…
Michael Turner, cofounder of Freedom Court Reporting in Birmingham, Ala., passed away on April 8. He was 62 years old. Read more.
The Question of the Week in the April 13 JCR Weekly asked respondents “What is your biggest strength in your job?” NCRA members’ inspiring answers…
By Melissa E. Case Makenzie Koman is a freelance court reporter in Northeast Ohio. She graduated from Miami-Jacobs Career College after two years and two…
On April 14, The Examiner reported the retirement of two longtime court reporters from Jefferson County, Texas. The article notes that, as guardians of the…
On April 5, the Traverse City [Mich.] Record Eagle posted a press release issued by NCRA announcing that Jessica L. Jaynes, RPR, an official court…
A blog posted on March 30 by The Captioning Group based in Calgary, Alberta, and written by NCRA member Susan Hahaj, RPR, provides an inside…
More and more court reporters and captioners have realized the value in attending career fairs as a way to promote the profession. Most recently, Darlene…
Kelly Moranz, CRI, manager of the court reporting program at Cuyahoga Community College, Parma, Ohio, was featured in an article posted April 6 by Fresh…
By Michael McMorran It took Kara a year and seven months to go from starting theory to becoming a CSR in the state of Texas…
Currently resides in: Wellsburg, W.Va. Member since: 1981 Graduated from: National Legal Secretarial School, Hagerstown, Md. Theory: Don’t remember, it’s been so long ago!…
On Feb. 17, Norma Rease, a CART provider from Stockton, Calif., was interviewed on the Ryan and Repoman radio show on station KWDC during Court…
Lubbockonline.com, Lubbock, Texas, posted an article on Feb. 19 about the life of Curtis Ruff, a former NCRA member and owner of Curtis D. Ruff…
Lucille Marie Litsheim, RPR, CRR (Ret.), a retired federal court reporter from Las Vegas, Nev., passed away Feb. 23. Litsheim was 83 years old. Read…
The Takeaway interviewed NCRA member Amy Bowlen, RDR, CRR, CRC, a broadcast captioner from Imperial, Pa., and manager of training at VITAC, on March 3…
Currently resides in: Seattle, Wash. Position: Founder and CEO, Harvard Bell Member since: 2010 Studied: Taipei American School, University of Washington Why did you decide…
Motion for Madness, the third mystery novel in a series authored by NCRA member Kelly Nasuti, RMR, CRR, CRC, debuted on bookshelves both real and…
What are the primary reasons that court reporters and captioners become and stay members of NCRA? In many surveys, members have listed the JCR and…