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Posts published in “People”

Court reporting promoted at state fair

The Newton Daily News, Des Moines, Iowa, ran an article on Aug. 14 about representatives from the Des Moines Area Community College who were promoting…

Member profile: Gail Inghram Verbano

Currently resides in: Delaware County, PA Position: Principal of Miller Verbano Reporting Member since: 1992 Graduated from: Sierra Valley Business College, Fresno, Calif. Theory: No…

2015 Speed Contest results

Speed Contest 2015 Speed Contest results OVERALL COMBINED SCORES Place Error Percentage 1 Julianne LaBadia, RDR, CRR, CBC, CCP 3 99.912% 2 Jeffrey Weigl, RMR,…

2015 Realtime Contest results

Realtime Contest 2015 Realtime Contest results OVERALL COMBINED SCORES Place Error Percentage 1 Douglas Zweizig, RDR, CRR 13 99.411% 2 Deanna Boenau, RDR, CRR, CBC,…

Sandra Bunch VanderPol named NCRA 2015 DSA recipient

NCRA member Sandra Bunch VanderPol, RMR, CRR, a freelance reporter from Sacramento, Calif., was recognized with the association’s Distinguished Service Award, the organization’s highest honor.…

E-seminar review: Power Posture II

In the second part of her e-seminar series, Marilynn Larkin discusses the importance of good posture. Larkin is the owner/creator of PosturAbility, a posture enhancement-and-awareness…

Judge and court reporter retire, sort of

The Hon. Robert Birnbaum and his court reporter, David Lutzke, of  Olmsted County District Court both retired June 19, according to the July 8…

Court reporters Down Under

By Merilyn Sanchez In September, 15 reporters and guests traveled to Australia and New Zealand, with many of us crossing the International Date Line for…

Member profile: Jo Anne Horn Leger

Name: Jo Anne Horn Leger Currently resides in: Liberty County, Texas Position: Official court reporter – 253rd District Court Member since: 1988 Graduated from: Professional…