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Posts published in “People in the News”

The word of God, typed in real time

The Orlando Sentinel posted an article on Nov. 1 about the volunteers who provide live captioning during Sunday services at the First Baptist Church of…

In Memoriam: William Price Banister

William Price Banister, longtime owner of Salomon Reporting in Baltimore, Md., died on Oct. 30 at his retirement home in Jacksonville, Fla. Banister was 99…

Working with my grandfather, the judge

Alice Hadden, an official from Portage, Ind., recently saw her court reporting career come full circle, a journey that started many years ago. “I freelanced…

ILCRA members participate in Illinois VHP

Members of the Illinois Court Reporters Association joined state officials and military veterans during a Veterans History Project event hosted by Jesse White, the state’s…

Hard work, faith lead Harper to milestones

NCRA member Geri Harper, RPR, an official court reporter from Sheridan, Wyo., was featured in an article posted on Sept. 19 by The Sheridan Press.…

The JCR Awards

The JCR Awards were conceived as a way to recognize and highlight the exemplary professionalism, community service, and business practices of NCRA members. We are…

Catching up with the Speed Contest winner

Julianne LaBadia, RDR, CRR, CBC, CCP, an official court reporter for the Delaware Court of Chancery, in Wilmington, Del., won the 2015 Speed Contest in…

In awe of court reporters

In an opinion piece posted by the Thomaston Times on Aug. 15, Scott Ballard, a district attorney who represents the Fayette, Pike, Spalding, and Upson…