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Posts published in “Technology”

TechLinks: Best gadgets of 2017

Who doesn’t love finding that perfect gadget that makes things so much easier? Robin Nodland, FAPR, RDR, CRR, a freelancer from Portland, Ore., and a…

TechLinks: Using Windows 10 and Dropbox

Lisa Knight, FAPR, RDR, CRR, who served on the 2016-2017 NCRA Technology Committee, shared a few links for getting the most out of Windows 10…

Welcome to the digital edition of the JCR!

In addition to the print JCR, members have access to a digital version. There’s still nothing like holding a physical magazine in your hands, but…

Last call for JCR Awards nominations

. Nominate yourself or another noteworthy court reporter, captioner, videographer, scopist, teacher, school administrator, or court reporting manager for recognition through the JCR Awards. Conceived…

TechLinks: Staying safe online

Nancy Bistany, RPR, found a list of five steps to take to make sure that you are Understanding internet safety,” in which several of them…

Website accessibility in the hot seat

The captioning firm VITAC posted an article on Sept. 26 that addresses recent issues surrounding website accessibility and how it is enforced through the ADA.…

TechLinks: Helpful products

Recently, the NCRA Technology Committee shared a few products that can help with work tasks. The products include a password management system, an education technology…


By Christine Phipps Equifax announced in September that they discovered a data breach on July 29, that occurred mid-May through July, which affects 143 million…

TechLinks: Computer TLC

Robin Nodland, FAPR, RDR, CRR, a member of the 2016-2017 NCRA Technology Committee, recently shared a few links on how to give your computer some…

TechLinks: The 21st century reporter, part 2

On behalf of the NCRA Technology Committee, Robin Nodland, FAPR, RDR, CRR, recently shared a series of links with information to help the 21st-century reporter…

TechLinks: The 21st century reporter, part 1

On behalf of the NCRA Technology Committee, Robin Nodland, FAPR, RDR, CRR, recently shared a series of links with information to help the 21st-century reporter…

Blog breaks down voice recognition

A recent blog posted by Cleveland Reporting Partners offers a comprehensive break down and comparison of voice recognition versus a live court reporter. Read more.

TechLinks: All about Apple

Apple products continue to be in the news, and the NCRA Technology Committee shared a number of links on the latest information on upcoming releases…