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Posts published in “Technology”

TechLinks: Keeping your information secure

NCRA’s Technology Committee rounded up a group of tech-related articles about keeping your computer files and other information secure, an ever-increasing concern in a world…

TRAIN: No fear! Getting past realtime roadblocks

What’s preventing you from providing realtime? The Technology Subcommittee asked realtime providers through the TRAIN program for their best tips in getting past the roadblocks and into the groove.…

TechLinks: All about Microsoft

NCRA’s Technology Committee rounded up a group of tech-related articles all about Microsoft, including customizing email accounts in Windows 10, the Windows 10 update history…

TechLinks: Legal technology

NCRA’s Technology Committee rounded up a group of tech-related articles that focus on how technology can help the legal industry. In a post on the…

TechLinks: Products and services

For The Verge, Walt Mossberg reviews the Eero WiFi system, a wireless mesh network of devices that can be controlled via an app. Mossberg highlights…

Realtime resource guide

By Merilee Johnson and Lisa Knight Congratulations! You have worked hard at improving your writing. Your translation rate gets better with every job you take.…

Choosing the right captioning service

A post on May 4 by Government Video, part of NewBay Media, features the second part of an interview with NCRA member Carol Studenmund, RDR,…


By Lynette Mueller It is a period of ever-changing technology! Court reporters, in the courtroom and deposition setting, are winning with tools and gadgets to…