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Court reporters to transcribe Flight 93 histories

The Mercury News has reported that the Pennsylvania Court Reporters Association has partnered with the National Park Service to help transcribe interviews of family, friends,…

NCRA comments on changes to Federal Rules

On Feb. 14, NCRA stated its opposition to the proposed rules changes published by the Judicial Conference Committee in June 2013. The committee recommended, among…

Judge makes case for court reporters

The Feb. 18  New York Law Journal reported that Queens Family Court judge John Hunt argued that electronic recording systems should not be used in…

Canadian courts face delays

The Canadian government has allocated $4.4 million for six new judges to address the increased workload on the court system, according to a report in…

New York courts ask for more money

A Feb. 5 article in the Columbus, Ind., Republic, reported that New York’s top court administrator asked the state legislature for additional funding for civil…

Healthcare Act deadlines pushed back

On Feb. 10, the Obama administration postponed the enforcement of some elements of the Affordable Care Act, including the federal requirement for mid-sized employers, defined…

Huseby announces their support of NCRA’s TRAIN

Huseby Inc. Litigation Services announced its support of the NCRA Taking Realtime Awareness and Innovation Nationwide (TRAIN) program in a recent blog post. Huseby serves…