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The United Kingdom-based company 121 Captions, which provides communications support for people who have hearing impairments on a global basis, recently posted a one-minute video…

New Mexico debates state courts’ budget

The New Mexico state legislature and governor are discussing whether the state courts’ budget should be increased, reports the Feb. 3 Albuquerque [N.M.] Journal. The…

NCRF fundraiser at Firm Owners

People to People Citizen Ambassador Programs has donated a trip to Australia and New Zealand for NCRF to auction off as a fundraiser. The organization…

Exciting NCRF fundraiser at Firm Owners!

People to People Citizens Ambassador Programs has donated a trip to Australia and New Zealand for NCRF to auction off as a fundraiser. The organization…

E-seminar review: Brief addiction, part 2

Brief Addiction Part 2: Unbox Your Brain Presented by Kathy Zebert, RPR   Freelance court reporter and Stenedge owner, Kathy Zebert, RPR, shares great briefing…

E-seminar review: Brief Addiction, part 1

Brief Addiction Part 1: Turning Key Strokes Into Dollars Presented by Kathy Zebert, RPR   Kathy Zebert, RPR, freelance court reporter and owner of Stenedge,…