WHO’S TO BLAME? Q. How has it changed? A. Well, you could do that at one time, and then along comes the Internet, and the…
Program director of judicial reporting/broadcast captioning program at Anoka Technical College and independent captioner/CART provider. Currently resides in Dayton, Minn. MEMBER SINCE: 1985 GRADUATED FROM:…
NCRF’s Board of Trustees met in mid-November to tackle the responsibility of developing a new long-range strategic plan. The last time we undertook this was…
Next month, we will conduct the second annual Court Reporting & Captioning week. The concept of this special week in February supports two of NCRA’s…
I live outside Boston, and for me and my family, terrorism struck close to home last April 15 when two bombs went off at the…
Court reporters, captioners, CART providers, firms, court reporting schools, and vendors nationwide are gearing up to celebrate the second annual Court Reporting & Captioning Week…
NCRA’s Taking Realtime Awareness and Innovation Nationwide committee offers court reporters advice and inspiration on taking the next step in providing realtime, whether it is…
At some point, every court reporting student is asked to read back everything they write, practice the challenging words and briefs in an effort to…
Like most professions, court reporting is a world unto itself. We are a tight-knit community of freelancers, officials, captioners, and the like, all bound together…
The Distinguished Service Award encourages and recognizes work amounting to distinguished service by individual members of NCRA for the benefit of the reporting profession. That…
A Poway High School student who has a hearing impairment recently learned that an injunction was granted that requires the Poway Unified School District to…
According to a recent article posted by the Pittsburg Tribune-Review, officials in Allegheny County, Pa., relied on sign language interpreter Danielle Filip to help deliver…
FOX News 4 in Kansas City, Mo., recently ran a story about local Girl Scout Catherine Pestinger and Project: Don’t Miss a Line, an effort…
Across the nation, plans are being finalized to mark the 2014 National Court Reporting & Captioning Week, Feb. 16 – 22, and the excitement is…
NCRA has published a document offering general information for court reporters and court reporting firms about the changes to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability…
The article “Speech recognition, the unreachable frontier,” published in Mobile News on Jan. 3, notes that speech recognition has not advanced as much as some…
Inspired by Nancy Varallo’s “Thirty ways to give back” post in November, we’ve highlighted ten ways you can give back to the court reporting profession.…
The JCR provides newsworthy information on reporter-related products and technologies. This column is for readers to use in their research; neither NCRA nor the JCR…
In a recent interview, NCRA Vice President Glyn Poage, RDR, CRR, CSR, from Helotes, Texas, discussed the skills, duties, and professional opportunities for court reporters…
Court reporters, captioners, CART providers, and court reporting schools around the country are making plans now to celebrate the 2014 National Court Reporting & Captioning…