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New deadline for Student Intern Scholarship

The National Court Reporters Foundation Student Intern Scholarship deadline has been extended to Dec. 31. Two $1,000 awards will be given to qualified court reporting students…

Thank you for your (volunteer) service

NCRA would like to thank those members who have graciously volunteered their time to caption events ranging from Town Halls with the president to the…

NCRF Student Intern Scholarship opens Oct. 1

The National Court Reporters Foundation Student Intern Scholarship opens Oct. 1. Two $1000 awards will be given to qualified court reporting students who have completed…

Address from NCRF Chair Tami Keenan

Welcome to our virtual conference. I am Tami Keenan, the chair of the National Court Reporters Foundation. One of my favorite expressions about giving back…

Winners of 2020 CASE Scholarships announced

NCRA is pleased to announce the five winners of the 2020 CASE (Council on Approved Student Education) Student Scholarships. Winners are chosen based on a…

New Professional Profile: Grace Kwahk

By Molly Cooper Grace Kwahk is an ambitious young professional who earned her license in 2019 after studying at South Coast College in Orange, Calif.…