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Posts tagged as “Captioning”

What has NCRA done for captioners?

By Carol Studenmund I live in Portland, Ore., and I am one of the owners of LNS Court Reporting and LNS Captioning along with Robin…

Bringing captions to Coachella

By Heidi Renner When Isaiah Roberts, RPR, Magnolia, Ill., thought he wrote the word lemon while captioning Ariana Grande’s performance at Coachella, he was a…

NCRA members show off speed at Cotton Bowl

The Star-Telegram, Dallas, Texas, posted an article on Dec. 28 about NCRA member Jennifer Schuck, FAPR, RDR, CRR, CRC, Scottsdale, Ariz.; NCRA member Darlene (Rodella)…

On receiving thanks

By Cathy Rajcan Working with intelligent, pleasant adults is a joy. As a seasoned court reporter in the 1990s, I expanded my skill set to…