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Posts tagged as “CART”

NCRA member captions for parishioner

A recent article in the Catholic Herald describes how NCRA member Donna Linton has helped one of her clients more fully experience Sunday Mass by…

Video offers insight into world of CART

A video posted by Arturo Martinez on July 28 on explains the benefits and purposes of using Communications Access Realtime Translation (CART). The video…

State of the CART

By Jen Schuck CART captioning has come a long way in the past 10 years. Gone are the days of sitting next to the client…

Differences between CART and captioning

PRI Court Reporting, LLC, posted a piece on the company blog describing the differences between CART and captioning. The post described the basic process for…

Am I selling myself short?

Once you are armed with NCRA’s certified CART provider designation, what else do you need to consider as you venture into business for yourself? CART…

You’ve got this!

How many times had I heard “you’ve got this!” during the 13 attempts it took me to finally pass the California Certified Shorthand Reporter examination?…

Sunday sit-down: Nancy Varallo

NCRA President Nancy Varallo was recently interviewed by the Worcester (Mass.) Telegraph & Gazette about her business and her career as a court reporter. In…

NCRA launches “Captioning Matters” campaign

National Court Reporters Association has launched a new campaign to increase awareness of captions and advocate for the increased need for accurate, understand­able, and timely…